Re-Imagining Education in St. Louis
Our Schools Were Designed to Give St. Louis What We Wanted…in 1838
“Ideally 99 students out of 100 are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education, which scientifically defined, is the deliberate subsumption of the individual."
- William Torrey Harris
Superintendent of St. Louis Public Schools (1868-1880)
U.S. Commissioner of Education (1889-1906)

Despite years of reform, many schools in St. Louis maintain destructive mindsets from their original design. Rich and influential Americans wanted factory workers, so the country adopted an educational model from Prussia meant to make citizens subservient.
A lot has changed in the last century. Experts predict that within 15 years, automation will replace 83% of jobs earning less than $20/hr. As those jobs disappear, our city’s 8th graders—only 9% of whom can do math at grade level—will find themselves unemployed. To succeed in the economy and society of tomorrow, students need to start learning in schools that look less like the bygone Industrial Era and more like the Information Age of the future.
Our Kids Deserve a School That Prepares Them for the Challenges of Their Lifetime
Kairos Academies is here to empower students to direct their own lives and learning. We are a team of educators trying to rethink public education for the 21st century. By leveraging technology and reimagining traditional instruction, Kairos personalizes the learning experience and nurtures student agency. Our model develops not just academic knowledge, but the organizational, social, and emotional competencies students need for true agency in our changing economy and society.
Here’s How We Do This

Personalized Learning

Project-Based Learning

Mentoring & Choice

Civic Leadership
What Do St. Louis Kids Need to Succeed in the 21st Century?

No Two Students Are The Same

Year-Round Schooling
More Time, More Breaks

Trust and Flexibility
Agency, Not Control-and-Compliance

Explore Our Schools
What is a charter school?A charter school is a free, independent public school that operates outside of a school district. Charter schools are granted greater flexibility in return for greater accountability. Missouri charter schools are governed by independent boards and are non-profit organizations. You can learn more about charter schools from our charter sponsor, Missouri Charter Public School Commission.
Does Kairos charge tuition?Kairos is a public school and is prohibited from charging tuition. We receive per-pupil public funds similar to district schools. While Missouri law requires us to receive 100% of the funding, the reality is that charter school per pupil funding is slightly smaller than what the local district receives. As with most states, Missouri charter schools do not receive capital funds to support facility expenses. Charter schools are entitled to federal categorical funding for which their students are eligible, such as Title I and Special Education monies. Federal legislation provides grants to help charters to manage start-up costs. If you’d like to learn more about monetarily supporting Kairos, please click here.
What is the difference between public charter schools and other public schools?Public charter schools are public schools established by teachers, parents, principals, educational experts, and entrepreneurs. The biggest difference is that no student is assigned to a charter school. Families choose to enroll their children in public charter schools. Public charter schools operate free from some of the regulations of a school district. Charter schools are accountable for achieving the same state standards as school districts but may choose to use different measures and timelines for reaching their goals. In exchange for flexibility, charters can be closed if they do not keep their performance promises. Public charter schools are governed by non-profit boards and must comply with their “charter” agreement and performance contract conditions. Unlike elected district boards, charter school boards are appointed and operate under Missouri Statutes that regulate non-profit organizations.
What grades does Kairos serve?Kairos Academies is enrolling grades 5-11 for the 2024-25 school year. We will enroll students in grades 5-12 beginning in the 2025-26 school year and every year after.
Does Kairos select who their students are?We are a public school which means we are open to all students in the area we serve. We accept our students by a random, public lottery. To apply to our schools, go to SchoolAppSTL.
How can I enroll my child?Kairos Academies is one of 12 St. Louis public charter organizations working together to simplify our initial application process into one easy form, SchoolAppSTL, that you can fill out on any electronic device. The application allows you to apply to our school in less than 3 minutes and makes applying to schools easier, more accessible and more transparent. To apply to Kairos, go to SchoolAppSTL. Have a specific enrollment question? Let us know by emailing or by calling/texting 314-944-5626.
How can I support Kairos Academies?We believe that education is the best gift you can give and thank you for your consideration in supporting our mission. You can donate by clicking here, or learn more about volunteering here.
Are you hiring?We invite you to visit our Careers page to see our current job openings, chat one-on-one with our Director of Talent, or to submit your resume for us to have on file should a good fit position come up.