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Transparency in Governance

Kairos Academies is a public charter school governed by the Kairos Board of Directors; a public school board charged with fiduciary oversight and compliance with our charter agreement and performance contract.


The Kairos Board generally meets from 6pm-7:30pm on Thursdays during the inservice period in between academic cycles. Board meetings are open to the public and may be joined in-person or virtually. From time to time, the Board may go into closed Executive Session pursuant to RSMo 610.021(1-3). Current meeting notices and agendas will be posted at least one day before the meeting, and minutes will be posted when approved by the board. Please direct record requests to Kairos’ Custodian of Records. Please direct all other inquiries to Kairos' Board President.

Meeting details may change, so if you plan to attend, please review the posted notice specific to the meeting in question.

Kairos Academies Board of Directors

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Aaron Jackson


Board Chair

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Mike Vachow

Board Member

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Whitney Young

Vice Chair, Governance Committee Chair

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Nicole Plair

Board Secretary

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Amy Trapp

Board Member


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Paola Badea

Board Member


Katie Owen

Board Member, Finance Committee Chair

Kairos Sponsor: Missouri Charter Public School Commission


The sponsor of a charter school is the charter school’s Local Education Agency (LEA) and a charter school is a school within that LEA. The sponsor retains responsibility for special education and shall ensure that students enrolled in its charter schools are served in a manner consistent with LEA obligations under applicable federal, state, and local law.

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